Using Arguments in SELECT Statements


How to create and use Arguments, and structure scripts, relating to Select statements.

What is an Argument?

An argument is a value that is interpreted at run-time and inserted into a SQL statement. You use the SQL::Arguments? object to pass one or more arguments to AlphaDAO. A SQL statement may use any number of arguments. An argument may be of any of the following data types.

  • "B" = blob

  • "C" = character

  • "D" = date

  • "L" = logical

  • "N" = numeric

  • "T" = time

  • "Y" = short time

A Demonstration Script

Open the Code Editor and create a new script with the following content. This script prompts for a city value, then displays the records that contain that value in the bill_city field of the AlphaSports customer table.

dim conn as SQL::Connection
dim sql as C
dim vCity as C
dim args as SQL::Arguments
vCity = ui_get_text("City", "Show Companies in what city?")
sql = "select lastname, firstname from customer where bill_city = :city Order By Company"
if .not."{A5API=Access,FileName='C:\Program Files\a5v8\MDBFiles\Alphasports.mdb', UserName='Admin'}")
    ui_msg_box("Error", conn.CallResult.text)
end if
if .not. args.Set("city", vCity)
end if
if .not. conn.execute(sql, args)
    ui_msg_box("Error", conn.CallResult.text)
end if

Using an Argument

You use an argument by preceding its name with a colon (:), as in :city.

... where bill_city = :city ...

Creating an Argument

You create an argument in a two step process. First, you create the SQL::Arguments object. Then you add elements to it with the .Set(?) or .Add(?) methods.

dim args as SQL::Arguments
if .not. args.Set("city", vCity)
end if

Structuring the Script

Note the way the script tests the return value of many of the methods, and ends when a failure occurs. Because most of these AlphaDAO methods return .T. (TRUE) for success, this is a good way of terminating a script that is not working.

if .not. conn.execute(sql, args)
end if

A more complete application would add some error handling. At a minimum, you might display an error message before exiting.

if .not. conn.execute(sql, args)
    ui_msg_box("Error", conn.CallResult.text)
end if

If you run this script and enter "Boston", you will see: Picture


See Also